Nick Breen's Blog, that's all.

I use Bazel professionally.

Sometimes it is difficult to glean from the official documentation exactly how to do some things.

I’ve found that it’s useful to attempt a trivial stand-alone project to solve whatever core question is at hand.

Here are three so far:

  1. nickbreen/bz-platforms and nickbreen/bz-platforms2

    Targeting and executing on different Platforms.

  2. nickbreen/bz-docker

    Building container images.

  3. nickbreen/bz-airgap

    Getting all dependencies required for your builds for use when the internet is not available; i.e. air-gapped CI environments.

  4. nickbreen/bz-python

    Building an old version of python to use as a toolchain.

  5. nickbreen/bes

    Build Event Service: cram Bazel’s Build Event Protocol stream into a DB.